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1st AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Image of an unstructured trap wing grid Image of a trap wing CFD solution


The following Tecplot-readable Data Submittal Forms are required for submittal to HiLiftPW-1:

One set of forms (1 plus 2 plus 3) covers one complete set of runs on a given sequence of grids for all required and optional Cases. (If a participant runs more than one set of grids, more than one CFD code or methodology, or more than one turbulence model, then one set of forms would be required for each grouping.)

Note that Data Form 2 requires that data be extracted along specific cuts on the configuration. These correspond to locations for which experimental pressure tap data are available. See the text files:




for detailed information on how/where to take these cuts (some planes are defined in these files that are not asked for in the Data Form). The experimental data can be found under the Experimental Data page.

All CFD data should be given in deployed (un-stowed) coordinates (i.e., directly from the grids as computed).

If participants analyzed additional alphas, they are encouraged to include them in the data submittal. For example, if alpha = 35 deg was analyzed, the participant should add a line to Data Form 1 between alphas 34 deg and 37 deg.

If participants analyzed the slat/flap brackets for Test Case 3, they should not submit the component (body, slat, wing, flap) forces and moments. The committee will just look at the total configuration forces and moments for Case 3.

Tecplot Macro Files for Surface Data Extraction

For those participants with access to Tecplot, macro files are provided here that can be used to extract data on the surface at all of the cuts asked for. Note that the Data Form 2 asks for data in the following order: X, Y, Z, CP, CF, CFX, CFY, CFZ (where CF, CFX, CFY, and CFZ should be given the value -999 if they are not being provided). Use these macros by performing the following steps for each of the cases run:
  1. Load (into Tecplot) a data file containing the solid walls along with your CFD solution on the walls. Be sure that X, Y, and Z are in full scale inches.
  2. These macros are for the half-plane geometry defined in the -Y direction; therefore if your geometry lies only in the +Y sector, you must first flip or mirror your data (e.g., using Data-CreateZone-Mirror-XZPlane).
  3. If CP is not one of your solution variables, then use Tecplot to create it.
  4. If you plan to include the optional CF, CFX, CFY, and CFZ, then make sure these are defined and available. If not, then use Data-Alter-SpecifyEquations to create 4 new variables with the value -999 (e.g., {cf}=-999).
  5. Then, run the appropriate macro (extractplanes-config1.mcr or extractplanes-config8.mcr, depending on whether you have loaded Config 1 or Config 8). The macro will create 29 new zones of extracted data at all the cuts asked for.
  6. Under Data-Delete-Zone, delete all original zones so that only the 29 newly created zones are left.
  7. Run the renaming macro (renamezones-config1.mcr or renamezones-config8.mcr) to rename the new zones appropriately.
  8. These cuts can then be written out by the user to an ASCII file (use point format); write out the variables X, Y, Z, CP, CF, CFX, CFY, and CFZ (in that order... this is the order defined in the data submittal form).
  9. The zones from this file should then be relatively easy to include into the Data Form 2. If you can limit the extractions to occur only on the appropriate elements, then do so. But if the extraction process also extracts unneeded areas (e.g., if the extraction along slat17 also includes data on the main and flap), then do not worry... these areas will be ignored.


(These macros were created with Tecplot 360, 2009 Release 2)


Suggested Areas of Flow Solution Postprocessing

In addition to the basic force, moment, and pressure data file preparation required for workshop participation, researchers are also asked (as much as possible) to focus on qualitative and quantitative post-processing of Trap Wing flow solutions for enhanced technical understanding of particular phenomena, and report these at the Workshop. See Postprocessing Guide (pdf file).


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Christopher Rumsey  

Last Updated
July 28, 2011

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