------------------------------------------------------------- This describes the transformations for stowing and un-stowing the configuration. Note: The transformations to/from stowed/unstowed coordinates are based on calibrations using QA data and stowed/unstowed orifice locations. Therefore, they are approximate (close but not exact). Chris Rumsey & Judi Hannon NASA LaRC MS 128 Hampton VA 23681 10-21-2009 Note (above) added 6-22-2011 ------------------------------------------------------------- FLAP: Deployed - to - Stowed deployed coords are (xd, yd, zd) Transformation algorithm: yd = yd + 0.95 (inches) Config 1: Config 8: phi = 10.2368 (deg) phi = 8.012 (deg) theta = -24.1619 (deg) theta = -19.594 (deg) psi = 4.0248 (deg) psi = 3.280 (deg) xt = -8.7138 (inches) xt = -7.482 (inches) yt = -3.0321 (inches) yt = -2.652 (inches) zt = -15.9906 (inches) zt = -13.198 (inches) cphi = cos(phi) sphi = sin(phi) ctheta= cos(theta) stheta= sin(theta) cpsi = cos(psi) spsi = sin(psi) xs =ctheta*cpsi*(xd+xt) - ctheta*spsi*(yd+yt) + stheta*(zd+zt) ys =(cphi*spsi+sphi*stheta*cpsi)*(xd+xt) + (cphi*cpsi-sphi*stheta*spsi)*(yd+yt) - sphi*ctheta*(zd+zt) zs =(sphi*spsi-cphi*stheta*cpsi)*(xd+xt) + (sphi*cpsi+cphi*stheta*spsi)*(yd+yt) + cphi*ctheta*(zd+zt) ys = ys - 0.95 (inches) stowed coordinates are (xs, ys, zs) FLAP: Stowed - to - Deployed stowed coordinates are (xs, ys, zs) Transformation algorithm: ys = ys + 0.95 (inches) Config 1: Config 8: phi = -10.2368 (deg) phi = -8.012 (deg) theta = 24.1619 (deg) theta = 19.594 (deg) psi = -4.0248 (deg) psi = -3.280 (deg) xt = 8.7138 (inches) xt = 7.482 (inches) yt = 3.0321 (inches) yt = 2.652 (inches) zt = 15.9906 (inches) zt = 13.198 (inches) cphi = cos(phi) sphi = sin(phi) ctheta= cos(theta) stheta= sin(theta) cpsi = cos(psi) spsi = sin(psi) xd =xt+cpsi*ctheta*xs + (cpsi*stheta*sphi-spsi*cphi)*ys + (cpsi*stheta*cphi+spsi*sphi)*zs yd =yt+spsi*ctheta*xs + (spsi*stheta*sphi+cpsi*cphi)*ys + (spsi*stheta*cphi-cpsi*sphi)*zs zd =zt-stheta*xs+ctheta*sphi*ys+ctheta*cphi*zs yd = yd - 0.95 (inches) deployed coordinates are (xd, yd, zd) SLAT: Deployed - to - Stowed deployed coords are (xd, yd, zd) Transformation algorithm: yd = yd + 0.95 (inches) Config 1 and 8: phi = -17.43 (deg) theta = 24.82 (deg) psi = 3.73 (deg) xt = 1.8906 (inches) yt = 1.2778 (inches) zt = 4.5324 (inches) cphi = cos(phi) sphi = sin(phi) ctheta= cos(theta) stheta= sin(theta) cpsi = cos(psi) spsi = sin(psi) xs =ctheta*cpsi*(xd+xt) - ctheta*spsi*(yd+yt) + stheta*(zd+zt) ys =(cphi*spsi+sphi*stheta*cpsi)*(xd+xt) + (cphi*cpsi-sphi*stheta*spsi)*(yd+yt) - sphi*ctheta*(zd+zt) zs =(sphi*spsi-cphi*stheta*cpsi)*(xd+xt) + (sphi*cpsi+cphi*stheta*spsi)*(yd+yt) + cphi*ctheta*(zd+zt) ys = ys - 0.95 (inches) stowed coordinates are (xs, ys, zs) SLAT: Stowed - to - Deployed stowed coordinates are (xs, ys, zs) Transformation algorithm: ys = ys + 0.95 (inches) Config 1 and 8: phi = 17.43 (deg) theta = -24.82 (deg) psi = -3.73 (deg) xt = -1.8906 (inches) yt = -1.2778 (inches) zt = -4.5324 (inches) cphi = cos(phi) sphi = sin(phi) ctheta= cos(theta) stheta= sin(theta) cpsi = cos(psi) spsi = sin(psi) xd =xt+cpsi*ctheta*xs + (cpsi*stheta*sphi-spsi*cphi)*ys + (cpsi*stheta*cphi+spsi*sphi)*zs yd =yt+spsi*ctheta*xs + (spsi*stheta*sphi+cpsi*cphi)*ys + (spsi*stheta*cphi-cpsi*sphi)*zs zd =zt-stheta*xs+ctheta*sphi*ys+ctheta*cphi*zs yd = yd - 0.95 (inches) deployed coordinates are (xd, yd, zd)