Subject: HiLiftPW-3 Update Dear HiLiftPW-3 Participants, 1. For those attendees making presentations for HiLiftPW-3, we ask that you use the attached presentation template, also available at: (near the bottom of the page) 2. If you created your own grids for HiLiftPW-3, please upload them as follows: If possible, rename them using your unique PID (for example: 014-hlcrm-coarse-fullgap.cgns, 014-jsm-medium-nopylon.b8.ugrid, etc.) Your grid(s) may be in any file format that you desire, but be sure to tell us what it is! Upload both your grid(s) as well as a brief text file descriptor (e.g., 014-README.txt), being sure to provide important relevant info about your grid(s), their sizes, point-of-contact, etc. Also please fill in a GMGW-1 questionnaire (attached, or also downloadable from and include in your upload (rename with your PID, e.g.: 014-GMGW-1-Participant-Questionnaire-Version1p0.docx). (upload details provided only to participants) Note that participants' HL-CRM grids will be analyzed by the committee of our sister GMGW-1 workshop, so that everyone may learn as much as possible, collectively, at the combined workshops. 3. For those participants who happen to be using Tecplot for post-processing, that company is offering a webinar: "Analysis of Aerodynamic Workflows: Preparation of Data for the AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop" on April 25, 10am PDT. Please contact Scott Imlay if you are interested, and he will provide details to you directly.