2021-02-17 Dear HLPW-4/GMGW-3 TFG member, This is an update on the HLPW-4 website (https://hiliftpw.larc.nasa.gov/index.html). 1. A new "one-off" free-air committee grid has been added to the grids download page: https://hiliftpw.larc.nasa.gov/Workshop4/grids_downloads.html It is grid 4-NASA-StructuredOverset (level 4.A only). This grid is based on grid 3.A, with the sole change that its first off-wall spacing has been reduced to target of y+=1.0. 2. For those performing in-tunnel runs, there is some additional description provided for "Typical CFD Iterative Procedure for Running in the Wind Tunnel" on https://hiliftpw.larc.nasa.gov/Workshop4/geometries.html (More information regarding reasonable back pressures to try during the iterative procedure will be provided on this webpage as it becomes available.) 3. QinetiQ boundary layer floor rake data is now available on: https://hiliftpw.larc.nasa.gov/Workshop4/windtunneldata.html