2021-04-21 Dear HLPW-4/GMGW-3 TFG member, A minor fix has been made to the Run 266 wind tunnel CP data files on https://hiliftpw.larc.nasa.gov/Workshop4/windtunneldata.html (Three x and z points on wing row G were corrected.) Please visit the Data Submittal Forms and Postprocessing Info page https://hiliftpw.larc.nasa.gov/Workshop4/DataForm.html for the latest data submittal forms and detailed instructions. There is also information regarding how to submit png files showing your surface streamlines and skin friction. As stated in a previous email, the HLPW/GMGW committee prefers that participants wait until AIAA Aviation 2022 to write a paper on their results. We will let everyone know the procedure for submitting a possible paper to AIAA Aviation 2022 well in advance of AIAA's abstract deadline in the Fall of 2021.