2021-07-07 Dear HLPW-4/GMGW-3 TFG member, A few notes about grids. It was recently discovered that the wall function grid 102.C: 102-Config_CRM-HL_40-37_Nominal was originally built incorrectly with 37/34 flap angles (instead of the nominal 40/37). The grid was fixed as of 7/7/2021, and is now available on the website (8 formats). New ANSA grids have been added under 103 (103-ANSA-Unstructured-hiA-Yplus1), to extend the size range beyond just C level: 103.A, 103.B, 103.D, and 103.E (UGRID format only). The README-ANSA.txt file provides the grid sizes.