2021-07-19 Slides from HLPW-4/GMGW-3 Virtual Workshop Progress Meeting Dear HLPW-4/GMGW-3 TFG member, The slides from the Workshop Progress Meeting are posted on: https://hiliftpw.larc.nasa.gov/index.html (near the top of the home page). Please download them if you want them; we are not sure how long these will remain accessible on the public site. Thanks to all who participated. We believe it was a very helpful exercise that allowed each TFG to see what others were doing, and to get an overall sense of where things were heading. This will perhaps encourage any needed reformulation of priorities and re-evaluation of Key Questions. Please be sure to keep the existing slides in context. Many of the results are preliminary; do not try to draw firm conclusions from them... in particular, do not look at any individual results as being necessarily correct, final, or conclusive. In parts of the analysis, we made an effort to look at this preliminary data in a broad-brush, agnostic way, just to get a feel for possible trends. But this broad-brush approach can also hide or even misrepresent important information. In particular, we currently lumped results together that may have come from very different grid resolutions, or even from very different methodologies. This may make sense in some contexts, but not others. We included disclaimers on the website and in the summary presentation, so that people do not take away the wrong impression. For your information, here are the results from the polls taken during the meeting: 1. Do you think that the TFG model for GMGW-3/HLPW-4 has been effective in accelerating learning in high-lift CFD prediction? 94% (80) YES 6% (5) NO 2. What is your engagement level in the TFGs and workshop activity? 62% (56/90) Already active in computing cases or making grids 13% (12/90) Already an attendee/observer, but not computing cases or making grids 13% (12/90) Unable to actively contribute, but I am interested in the results 12% (11/90) Already an attendee/observer not computing cases/making grids, but I plan to do so for the workshop 1% (1/90) Inactive so far, but I would like to start contributing (if this is your answer, then you need to email us) 3. What is the likelihood that you will attend the January workshop in person? 33% (22/67) Maybe, 30-70% 30% (20/67) Yes, 90-100% 25% (17/67) Probably, 70-90% 9% (6/67) Doubtful, 10-30% 7% (5/67) No, 0-10% 4. If AIAA could arrange some parts of the in-person workshop to be virtual, would you take advantage of it, if you still had to pay a registration fee? 73% (57) YES 27% (21) NO 5. Question to CFD people: What is preventing you from regularly running cases on grids with 1 billion + unknowns? (pick as many as apply) 39% (27/69) I have access, but it takes too long to run cases that large (sitting in the queue) 33% (23/69) No access to those kinds of resources 28% (19/69) I have access, but it takes too long to run cases that large (run time) 20% (14/69) I have access, but very limited computer time so these kinds of cases are rare 13% (9/69) I have access, but my code will not run (efficiently or at all) for cases that large 10% (7/69) Nothing prevents me, I already have this capability 1% (1/69) Other