2021-10-27 Reminder about deadline for HLPW-4/GMGW-3 data submission Reminder that November is the month when all entries for HLPW-4/GMGW-3 are due. Drop-dead date is Nov 29 (no entries will be accepted after this date). Go to https://hiliftpw.larc.nasa.gov/Workshop4/DataForm.html for details on what and how to submit. Don't put this off until the last minute!... it's NOT a quick task. It is important to compile your data correctly and according to the instructions; otherwise, we may be unable to compile your data with the collective in the short time we have prior to the workshop. NOTE: even if you submitted preliminary results in the summer, we expect you to resubmit everything anew, even if there are no changes from before. Do not give data to us piecemeal; give us complete and finalized directories of data. Read the directions carefully. A few things have changed since the summer. There are 14 steps listed in the detailed instructions on the website; please read them all. As part of the submission process, be sure to use the NEW V9 data submittal forms: XXX_Lastname_Code_Model_v9.tar.gz V9 has several changes from V7 (the last version used over the summer). If you use an old version, we may not be able to read your data.