V9 - 1. README.instructions.txt changed to point to the webpage with instructions. 2. Any "Best Practice" results to be labeled with BESTPRACTICE in the directory name. V8 - 1. README.instructions.txt changed to reflect new details. 2. In XXX_participant_info.dat, minor change for people associated with more than one TFG. We now ask that you only submit your data once, to one TFG. 3. Added subdirectory XXX_OffBodyVorticity for holding off-body vorticity plots. 4. Slightly modified the instructions contained under XXX_SurfaceFlowVisualizations. 5. Removed comment at the bottom of most files regarding copying the file for additional mesh levels. Now, we ask that (other than Cases 1b and 3, which include a grid-convergence study) all "Best Practice" results should be on your "best" grid only. Results for other mesh levels in Cases 1a, 2a, or 2b can be reported in a separate directory of exploratory or demonstrative results. 6. Changed the format of XXX_case1a_flapdeflection_FM.dat (reduced to one zone, and added variables IBFLAPANGLE and OBFLAPANGLE). V7 - 1. fixed the file XXX_case2b_CLmax_WT_cpcf.dat, which had several problems: (N should be provided in DATASETAUXDATA lines near the top, and not in the main part of the data files) (The zone titles incorrectly said case2a) 2. fixed ZONE title info in XXX_case2b_CLmax_WT_unsteadypressures.dat (case2a -> case2b) 3. fixed ZONE title info in XXX_case2b_CLmax_WT_velocity.dat (case2a -> case2b)