AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
In order to aid researchers interested in exploring the effect of transition on the Trap Wing configuration,
computed transition locations for Configuration 1 over a range of angles of attack are
provided here. These transition locations are from Eliasson et al (FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency), computed using the
eN method. Locations using two different N-factors (7 and 10) are provided here.
Researchers are encouraged to make use of these data, either to help guide their specification of transition
or to compare against their own predictions.
AIAA 2011-3009 (Eliasson, P., Hanifi, A., Peng, S.-H., "Influence of Transition on High-Lift Prediction for the NASA Trap Wing Model,"
29th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, June 2011, Honolulu, HI)
should be credited as the source of this information in any published work that
uses it.
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Page Curator and NASA Official Responsible for Content
Li Wang
Last Updated
September 7, 2011
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