AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
To download grids:
Click the following link:
(navigates to an independent ftp repository site)
Disclaimer: The grids available for download may or may not be appropriate for your
solver, and may or may not be of sufficient density and quality to yield accurate
results. You must judge for yourself.
The grids were created by independent groups, with various degrees of adherence to
the Gridding Guidelines.
Grid density and quality are two of the requirements being explored for this workshop.
If you modify or create your own grids, they must be uploaded and made available to others.
To upload grids:
Please review the gridding guidelines for self-generated meshes:
Gridding Guidelines 11June09 (pdf file)
Other gridding considerations:
- There is a slope discontinuity on the upper surface of the main element that corresponds
to the trailing edge location of the slat when it is stowed.
Optimally, the chordwise grid spacing on the main element upper surface near this feature
should be fine enough to resolve it (e.g., approx 1% of the local main-element chord
on the medium grid).
Contact the page curator or the organizers
for upload instructions.
Grids used to create submitted results must be uploaded to the HiLiftPW
Return to: High Lift Prediction Workshop Home Page
Recent significant updates:
05/15/2018 - Updated link to independent ftp repository site
Page Curator and NASA Official Responsible for Content
Li Wang
Last Updated
May 15, 2018
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