JSM EXPERIMENTAL DATA: Wing Deformation Information
AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
As part of the JSM test, 32 markers were used on the main wing to help determine the wing deformation under load.
The wing deformation is based on the best available wind-tunnel data.
The change in twist angle is small (around 0.5 degrees at most), and it
increases gradually from the wing root to the midspan area, but not to
the wing tip at most of the selected angles of attack (for details, see
the presentation slides by Ito et al.:
011.pdf, also found on the
Workshop Presentations page.
The measurement accuracy near the wing tip is worse due to shorter
chord length. In other words, this may represent the actual physics, or it may derive from
errors of data curve fitting, but there is currently no way to verify one way or
the other.
Download all files in a tarred, gzipped directory: Deformation.tar.gz (30.8 MB).
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Li Wang
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Li Wang
Last Updated: 06/21/2017