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5th AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Logo 1 for HLPW-5 Logo 2 for HLPW-5
Logo 3 for HLPW-5


The wind tunnel data are not all being released at once. Some are being held back purposefully, so that the CFD participants can focus on mesh convergence without being influenced by the data. Other data have not been collected/processed yet.


Test Case 1 (CRM-HL-WB):


Test Case 2.1 (CRMHL-WBHV):


Test Case 2.2 (ONERA-LRM-WBSHV):


Test Case 2.3 (ONERA_LRM-WBSFHV):


Test Case 2.4 (ONERA_LRM-LDG-HV):


Test Case 3 (NASA_5.2%-LDG):


Return to: High Lift Prediction Workshop Home Page


Recent significant updates:
06/17/2024 - Problem in Row G slat x-locations for Case 2.2 CP file has been fixed in file TC2p2_pressure_model_v3.dat
02/15/2024 - Posted all available data for Case 2.4
01/31/2024 - Minor update of Cp data for Cases 2.2 and 2.3 to v2 (a couple of malfunctioning pressure taps were removed from the database, and the position of the pressure taps on the slats in configuration WBSFHV was corrected)
11/07/2023 - Minor change in FM data files: CMy changed to CM for consistency with requested data submittal forms
11/03/2023 - Posted all available data for Cases 2.2 and 2.3

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Responsible NASA Official: Li Wang
Page Curator: Li Wang
Last Updated: 08/13/2024