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1st AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop (HiLiftPW-1)

Sponsored by the Applied Aerodynamics Technical Committee

2-Day Workshop June 26-27 2010, Chicago, IL
(Associated with the 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference)

Trap Wing Model in LaRC 14x22ft Tunnel Trap Wing Model in Ames 12ft Tunnel

Image of an unstructured trap wing grid Image of a trap wing CFD solution



General Information

Tentative Dates

Geometries Available
3rd Quarter
Grids Available
1st Quarter
Abstracts Due1
April 2
Acceptance Notification
2nd Quarter
Data Submittal
May 15
HILIFTPW-1 Registration (AIAA)
prior to workshop
June 26-27

1You must send in an abstract if you plan to submit data and present results at the workshop. The abstract should be no more than 1 page long, and should contain at least the following information: name(s), affiliation(s), corresponding author contact information (mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address), brief description of solver code(s), name of supplied grid(s) being used and/or brief description of other grid(s) being used, and whether the optional case 3 is being computed. Please e-mail to: See sampleabstract.pdf for a sample 1-page abstract.

2Workshop participants are expected to give presentations of their results. These are not official AIAA-type presentations, and there are no written papers associated with this workshop. However, some participants will be invited to write and present a paper for a special session on high lift prediction to be held during a future AIAA conference.



Experimental Data

Test Cases

Data Submittal Forms & Postprocessing Info


Workshop Presentations & Agenda

Workshop Results

Presentations from AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (ASM 2011)

List of Directly-Related Publications

Participating Organizations

Organization (1st auth) City, Country
ANSYS Waterloo, Canada
Beta CAE Systems USA Farmington Hills MI, USA
Boeing Huntington Beach CA, USA
Cessna Aircraft Wichita KS, USA
CFS Engineering Lausanne, Switzerland
CRAFT Tech Pipersville PA, USA
DLR (2) Braunschweig, Germany
Exa Corporation Boston, MA, USA
FOI Stockholm, Sweden
Hawker Beechcraft Wichita KS, USA
Indian Inst. of Science Bangalore, India
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Chofu, Japan
Metacomp Technologies Agoura Hills CA, USA
NASA Ames Moffett Field CA, USA
NASA Langley (3) Hampton VA, USA
ONERA Meudon, France
Texas A&M University College Station TX, USA
University of Wyoming Laramie WY, USA

History of Information Emails to Participants

Date Sent Subject
Oct 5, 2009 Welcome Letter (pdf file)
Jan 29, 2010 Schedule & Update (pdf file)
Mar 24, 2010 Abstract & Registration Reminder (pdf file)
Apr 28, 2010 Number Assignment and How to Submit Data (pdf file)
May 6, 2010 Possible Problem with OnetoOne-C Grids (pdf file)
May 13, 2010 New data form needed (pdf file)
May 25, 2010 Dates of interest (pdf file)
June 3, 2010 Agenda and Participant Talks (pdf file)

Workshop Flyer (pdf file)

Related Links

Link to new HiLiftPW Home Page



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HiLiftPW Organizing Committee

Page Curator and NASA Official Responsible for Content
Li Wang  

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