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1998/1999 Trap Wing Data Archive

Geometry Available for CFD Analysis


Geometry Format
Model Geometry
        partspan cove/cruise trailing edge
Positioning Information
Tunnel Geometry
        ARC 12ft PWT
        LaRC 14x22

Geometry Format

All surfaces are provided in Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) format, an ANSI standard for the exchange of CAD data. All surfaces are defined in units of inches, at model scale. No 'caps' are provided, so the user is required to seal the slat, wing, and flap tips.

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 Model Geometry

 Main / Cove / Body / Standoff Geometry

The IGES file (4.56MB) contains the following surfaces:
  1. TWMAIN - main element
  2. TWCOVEV - 'vertical' cove surface
  3. TWCOVEH - 'horizontal' cove surface
  4. TWBODY - body
  5. STANDOFF - surface representing the standoff/labryinth seal used for the test entry in the ARC 12ft tunnel. The standoff was not present for the test at the LaRC 14x22ft tunnel. The standoff/labyrinth seal was present for the LaRC 14x22 entry.
As defined, the main element and cove extend through the body to Y=0.0" It is the responsibility of the user to trim the pieces accordingly.

Partspan Cove/Cruise Trailing Edge Geometry

Analysis of the part-span flap configuration requires the addition of inboard and outboard cruise trailing edge (t.e.) pieces, and modifications to the cove geometry. The IGES file (0.56MB) contains the following surfaces:
  1. PSTELI - inboard lower surface cruise trailing edge. Mates to TWMAIN
  2. PSTEUI - inboard upper surface cruise trailing edge. Mates to TWMAIN
  3. PSTELO - outboard lower surface cruise trailing edge. Mates to TWMAIN
  4. PSTEUO - outboard upper surface cruise trailing edge. Mates to TWMAIN
  5. PSCOVV - 'vertical' cove surface
  6. PSCOVH - 'horizontal' cove surface
Both inboard pieces extend through the body to Y=0."

Slat Geometry

The slat settings are specified in the plane normal to the wing leading edge (LES coordinate system in Boeing nomenclature). Slat height is measured relative to the surface-1 hilite. Slat gap is defined as the distance between the slat trailing edge and the nearest point on the surface-1.
ds g/c h/c  Geometry
20 0.000 0.045 IGES file (1.55MB)
20 0.005 0.045 IGES file (1.55MB)
30 0.010 0.015 IGES file (1.55MB)
30 0.015 0.015 IGES file (1.59MB)
30 0.020 0.015 IGES file (1.55MB)
Throughout both tests, the slat was sealed to the side-of-body. It is the responsibility of the user to trim/seal the slat to the side-of-body.

Flap Geometry

Flap settings are specified in a plane aligned in the streamwise direction (x-z). Gap is defined as the distance from the cove trailing edge to the nearest point on the flap. Overlap is defined as the streamwise distance between the flap leading edge and the cove trailing edge.
df g/c o/c Full-span Geometry Part-span Geometry
10 0.010 0.050 IGES file (63kB) N/A
20 0.010 0.005
IGES file (46kB)
20 0.015 0.005 N/A IGES file (46kB)
20 0.020 0.005
IGES file (46kB)
25 0.010 0.005 IGES file (63kB) IGES file (46kB)
25 0.015 0.005 IGES file (63kB) IGES file (46kB)
25 0.020 0.005 IGES file (63kB) IGES file (46kB)
30 0.010 0.005 IGES file (63kB)
0.015 0.005 IGES file (63kB) N/A
30 0.020 0.005 IGES file (63kB)
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Positioning Information

The positioning information provided here may be used to transform the deployed slats and flaps back to the 'stowed' configuration in order to extract Cp data at the (x, y) locations specified in the Cp data sets.

Slat Positioning

Slat positioning data is specified in the plane normal to the wing leading edge (LES coordinate system in Boeing nomenclature). Slat height is measured relative to the surface-1 hilite.  The slat is positioned by specifying slat gap and height and gap at two spanwise locations (eta=0.328 and 0.770). Slat gap is defined as the distance between the slat trailing edge and the nearest point on the main element. Height is defined as the height of the slat trailing edge above the main element hilite at the corresponding bracket location. The chord used to normalize height is the streamwise chord of the cruise planform passing through the slat trailing edge, when the slat is in its original (stowed) position.  The spanwise variation in slat gap and height seen in the plots is due to the variation in wing thickness t/c and slat chord ratio across the span.

The slat can be returned to the stowed position using the instructions and data that follows.

  1. Slat Rotation into LES Coordinates. Rotate the slat about the z-axis, through an angle of -33.8882 degrees.
  2. Slat Rotation. Rotate the slat through the prescribed deflection, about a specific rotation axis.  The two points defining the axis of rotation for the set of deflection, gap, and height settings tested are given below.
  3. Slat and Main Element Rotation into WRP coordinates. Rotate slat about the z-axis, through an angle of 33.8882 degrees. This will return the slat to its stowed WRP position.
  4. Points Defining Axis of Rotation in LES Coordinates
    Slat Deflection (deg) 
    Slat Gap (g/c) 
    Slat Height (h/c)
    X IB (in) 5.8571 5.6705 6.8314 6.7183 6.6062
    Y IB (in) -36.9401 -36.9401 -36.9401 -36.9401 -36.9401
    Z IB (in) -4.1313 -5.1942 -5.8373 -6.2592 -6.6778
    X OB (in) 5.6877 5.5688 6.0869 6.0106 5.9349
    Y OB (in) -82.2451 -82.2451 -82.2451 -82.2451 -82.2451
    Z OB (in) -5.5175 -6.1903 -5.8422 -6.1271 -6.4095

Flap Positioning

Flap positioning data is specified at two spanwise locations. Flap deflection, gap, and overlap  are measured in the streamwise direction, in planes of constant-y (wing buttock lines). The self-similarity of flap geometry across the span (constant section, with constant flap chord ratio=0.30) permit the flap gap and overlap to be held constant across the span.  Plots of flap gap and overlap  show that g/c and o/c are constant to within 0.0001c.

The table below contains information used in positioning the part-span and full-span flaps. The (x,y, z) rotations and translations provided were used to transform the flap from its 'stowed' configuration to the 'deployed' configuration. To return the flap to its stowed configuration, perform, in order, (x, y, z) translation, (z) rotation, (y) rotation, (x) rotation. All rotations are about (0,0,0).
Flap deflection (degrees)  10 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 30
Flap gap (g/c) 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.010 0.015 0.020
Flap overlap (o/c) 0.050 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
x rotation (degrees) -4.3565 -8.2695



-8.5165 -10.5268



-10.7755 -12.9375 -13.0651 -13.1898
y rotation (degrees) 9.8994 19.5847



19.5625 24.3658



24.3354 29.0700 29.0500 29.0300
z rotation (degrees) -1.3465 -3.2352



-3.3182 -4.0830



-4.1857 -5.1687 -5.2307 -5.2913
x translation (in) 3.2888 7.4288



7.4270 8.7041



8.7004 10.2105 10.2131 10.2042
y translation (in) 1.1991 2.6084



2.6626 3.0713



3.1357 3.6153 3.6525 3.6888
z translation (in) 6.5006 13.3386



12.7409 16.2649



15.6718 19.0315 18.7354 18.4406

8-5-11 update: crossed out rotations and translations that lead to a "badly stowed" flap; updated numbers to a properly stowed flap are currently available for 2 configurations. J. Hannon


Tunnel Geometry

ARC 12ft PWT

LaRC 14x22

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Page Curator and NASA Official Responsible for Content
Judith A. Hannon  

Last Updated
August 5, 2011

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