AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
At 24 degrees (uncorrected) = 25.33 degrees (corrected), the
estimated location of attachment line
crosses Objects 34, 38, and 39 on the lower surface.
The pressures show that the wing is developing a decent suction peak,
but is still below the sonic Cp value; therefore
the flow on the slat is still subsonic. Several hot films were placed
on the slat to determine the state of the flow. Two objects containing
films were placed ont he upper surface of the slat. The first is Object
37, a patch of 8 films located at approximately at eta = 0.49, the second
is Object 40 a stamp of 4 films located near eta = 0.95. Three objects
wre placed on the lower surface of the slat, each with 24 films. These
are objects 34, 38, and 39.
Upper Surface
For Object 37 (click to see schematic), on the upper surface of the
model, most of the films are aligned more with the leading edge than
with the free stream
(click here to see a drawing of how the films were aligned on the slat).
Note that the way these films were hooked up, film 7 (6 if counting from
zero) its the highest film and is the one aligned most with the
free stream.
To get an overall view of the flow over this object it is helpful
to look at the output of the film that is most aligned normal to the flow
direction for all angles of attack. In this
you can see that as the angle of attack increases a profound shift occurs
at 12 degrees. Clearly, turblent flow is indicated at 24 degrees for
this film as evidenced by the increase in the rms, the zero value of the skewness,
and the 3/flatness value approaching 1. The statistics for the all of
the films of Object 37 are shown
The rms for each
film of 37 is shown
here for various alphas.
Lower Surface
There are 3 arrays on the
lower surface of the slat, but before the cusp of the cove. These
are arrays 34, 38, and 39.
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Li Wang
Last Updated
August 15, 2011
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