The attachment line locations were computed for each eta versus angle of attack.
As the angle of attack increases the attachment line moves from the
positive s side of the wing to the negative s
side. The
computation of the attachment line was stopped once it became difficult
to define a maximum value of Cp. In general this
close to 24 degrees angle of attack.
A plot of Rbar
using the criteria of Gaster, Poll, Pfenniger, Hall shows that,
with the exception of negative angles of attack, Rbar
generally falls in the range where the attachment line would be
considered laminar. At negative angles of attack, the
values suggest that at some locations, if there is contamination, for
example free stream disturbances, then the turbulence would be self
sustaining and the attachment line could be transitional or
turbulent. At Alpha = 12 degrees the values of Rbar
are very close to the criteria for the flow to transition if disturbed.
At 20 degrees the values at eta = 0.41 are also very close to the
Attachment line location relative to films. The figure in this link
shows the relative locations of the attachment lines and the hotfilms
that are on the underside of the slat, but before the cusp. Since
the model is swept, the leading edge location at each spanwise station
was subtracted from the x locations so that the leading edge of the
model is represented by the gray line in the
figure. The films depicted are, from bottom to top,
objects 34, 38, and 39.
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Page Curator and NASA Official Responsible for Content
Li Wang
Last Updated
August 15, 2011