AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
The Official Test Cases for HiLiftPW-1 are defined below. Please check periodically for updates, and/or
register with
to be notified directly of any changes.
For the required test cases, participants are asked to run on at least
one supplied series of grids (if possible).
Case 1 (REQUIRED) - Grid Convergence Study
Trap Wing "Config 1" - Slat 30, Flap 25 (full span)
Flow solutions on a series of increasingly refined grids are required
to assess grid convergence. If desired, participants can also run on
independently-generated grids (built to specifications described in the
Gridding Guidelines found on the
Grids Page).
Flow solutions on the coarse, medium, and fine mesh
are required. An additional extra-fine mesh flow solution is optional.
Mach = 0.2
Angles-of-attack to be computed (deg) = 13 and 28
Reynolds number = 4.3 million based on mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
Reference Temperature = 520 R
Case 2 (REQUIRED) - Flap Deflection Prediction Study
Medium Mesh from Grid Convergence Study
- Trap Wing "Config 1" - Slat 30, Flap 25
- Trap Wing "Config 8" - Slat 30, Flap 20
Mach = 0.2
Angles-of-attack to be computed (deg) = 6, 13, 21, 28, 32, 34, and 37
Reynolds number = 4.3 million based on MAC
Reference Temperature = 520 R
Case 3 (OPTIONAL) - Flap and Slat Support Effects Study
Trap Wing "Config 1" - Slat 30, Flap 25 with flap and slat bracket geometry modeled
(nominally using medium mesh grid system)
Mach = 0.2
Angles-of-attack to be computed (deg) = 13 and 28
Reynolds number = 4.3 million based on MAC
Reference Temperature = 520 R
- All simulations are "free air"; no wind tunnel walls or model support systems are to be included.
- Boundary layer is to be modeled as fully turbulent.
- See Geometries Page for information about MAC
and other CFD reference parameters.
- See Experimental Data Page for information about available
associated experimental data.
Although this results for this workshop are to be modeled as fully turbulent, information on
transition from the experiment can be found in: McGinley et al, AIAA Paper 2005-5148, June 2005.
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Page Curator and NASA Official Responsible for Content
Li Wang
Last Updated
July 28, 2011
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