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2nd AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Logo for HiLiftPW-2 F11 model in wind tunnel, showing laser light sheets


The Official Test Cases for HiLiftPW-2 are defined below. Please check periodically for updates, and/or register with to be notified directly of any changes.


For the required test cases, participants are asked to run on at least one supplied series of grids (if possible).


Case 1 (REQUIRED) - Grid Convergence Study

DLR F11 "Config 2" - Slat 26.5 deg, Flap 32 deg (Wing/Body/HL system + SOB Flap Seal)
Unstructured, structured, and overset meshes provided by HiLiftPW committee

Flow solutions on a series of increasingly refined grids are required to assess grid convergence. If desired, participants can run on independently-generated grids (built to specifications described in the Gridding Guidelines found on the Grids Page). Flow solutions on the Coarse, Medium, and Fine mesh are required. An additional Extra-Fine mesh flow solution is optional.


Case 2 - Reynolds Number Study

DLR F11 "Config 4" - Slat 26.5 deg, Flap 32 deg (Config 2 + Slat Tracks and Flap Track Fairings)
Flow solutions on comparable *Medium* mesh density from Grid Convergence Study
Unstructured and overset meshes provided by HiLiftPW committee

Case 2a (REQUIRED**) - Low Reynolds Number Condition

Case 2b (REQUIRED**) - High Reynolds Number Condition

    Mach = 0.175
    Angles-of-attack to be computed (deg) = 0, 7, 12, 16, 18.5, 20, 21, 22.4
    Reynolds number = 15.1 million based on mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
    Reference Static Temperature = 114.0 K (205.2 R)
    Reference Static Pressure = 295000 Pa (42.7861 psi)

Case 2c (OPTIONAL) - Low Reynolds Number Condition with Transition

    Mach = 0.175
    Angles-of-attack to be computed (deg) = 0, 7, 12, 16, 18.5, 19, 20, 21
    Reynolds number = 1.35 million based on mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
    Reference Static Temperature = 298.6 K (537.48 R)
    Reference Static Pressure = 100700 Pa (14.6053 psi)

** Note: The committee is not providing point-matched structured grids for Case 2. Therefore Cases 2a and 2b are optional for participants with point-matched structured-grid codes.


Case 3 (OPTIONAL) - Full Configuration Study

DLR F11 "Config 5" - Slat 26.5 deg, Flap 32 deg (Config 4 + Slat Pressure Tube Bundles)
Flow solutions on comparable *Medium* mesh density from Grid Convergence Study
Unstructured mesh provided by HiLiftPW committee

Case 3a - Low Reynolds Number Condition

    Mach = 0.175
    Angles-of-attack to be computed (deg) = 0, 7, 12, 16, 18.5, 19, 20, 21
    Reynolds number = 1.35 million based on mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
    Reference Static Temperature = 298.6 K (537.48 R)
    Reference Static Pressure = 100700 Pa (14.6053 psi)

Case 3b - High Reynolds Number Condition

    Mach = 0.175
    Angles-of-attack to be computed (deg) = 0, 7, 12, 16, 18.5, 20, 21, 22.4
    Reynolds number = 15.1 million based on mean aerodynamic chord (MAC)
    Reference Static Temperature = 114.0 K (205.2 R)
    Reference Static Pressure = 295000 Pa (42.7861 psi)


Case 4 (OPTIONAL) - Turbulence Model Grid-Convergence Verification Study

2-D bump from

The purpose of this case is to investigate the consistency in implementation of turbulence models in a controlled study. The grids supplied at the above website must be used. Mach=0.2, Re=3 million per unit length, Tref=540R. Participants must run at least the finest 3 supplied grids. RUN FULLY TURBULENT.



  • All DLR F11 simulations are "free air"; no wind tunnel walls or model support systems are to be included. In other words, it is expected that the half-model be computed with symmetry boundary conditions on the symmetry plane and farfield boundary conditions at the outer boundaries.
  • MAC = 347.09 mm. See Geometries Page for information about other important reference parameters.


The above summary of test cases is also available for download as a PDF file: OfficialTestCases-HiLiftPW2-v11.pdf


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Responsible NASA Official: Li Wang
Page Curator: Li Wang
Last Updated: 01/17/2013