AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop
The following gives the current membership of this Technology Focus Group (TFG).
Names are given in alphabetical order, and Participant IDs (PIDs) are assigned for each name.
(The PIDs may not be contiguous or in numerical order, as individuals may drop out and teams will use only one PID.)
Please contact
if you have a correction.
If you are part of a team, please choose one member's PID that you will all use, and let us know.
Note that if you are a member of more than one TFG, you will have a different PID for each.
When submitting results, you should include your PID as an identifier
in all of your data submittal files.
If you submit multiple sets of results to one TFG (for example, using different
codes, different turbulence models, etc.), then append ".1", ".2", ".3", etc. in
order to distinguish between them.
E.g., if your PID is L-001, you would use L-001.1, L-001.2, L-001.3, etc. for multiple submission variants.
Each TFG has developed a list of Key Questions (KQs) that it will strive to answer for the purpose of the
workshop. These are also listed below.
TFG-specific documents (if any) are also provided here.
Hybrid RANS/LES (meshing and CFD)
- CHAIR: Ashton, Neil (Amazon Web Services) PID: L-001
- Batten, Paul (Metacomp Technologies) PID: L-002
- Cary, Andrew (Boeing) PID: L-003
- Holst, Kevin (DoD CEATE-AV) PID: L-005
- Long, Mike (The Spaceship Company) PID: L-004
- Powell, Nick (Gulfstream Aerospace) PID: L-006
- Skaperdas, Vangelis (BETA-CAE) PID: L-007
- Taylor, Nigel (MBDA) PID: L-008
- Abdessemed, Chawki (Cranfield University) PID: L-009
- Ahmad, Nashat (NASA LaRC) PID: L-057
- Anderson, Kyle (NASA LaRC) PID: L-010
- Balakrishnan, Narayanarao (Indian Institute of Science) PID: L-011
- Beall, Mark (Simmetrix, Inc.) PID: L-012
- Bennett, Shawn (Gulfstream Aerospace) PID: L-013
- Bercin, Kutalmis (ESI-OpenCFD Ltd.) PID: L-014
- Bicer, Baris (Turkish Aerospace) PID: L-015
- Browne, Oliver (NASA Ames) PID: L-016
- Chitale, Kedar (U Colorado) PID: L-017
- Contractor, Krishna (AneCom) PID: L-018
- Degrigny, Johan (CERFACS) PID: L-055
- Dehpanah, Payam (TU Kaiserslautern) PID: L-019
- Djeddi, Reza (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) PID: L-020
- Duda, Ben (Dassault Systemes) PID: L-021
- Edge, Brian (Metacomp Technologies) PID: L-022
- Escobar-Gomez, Jaime Alberto (Universidad San Buenaventura Bogota) PID: L-023
- Fitzgibbon, Thomas (Flexcompute) PID: L-049
- Fozan Ur Rab, Mohammad (NED University of Engineering and Technology) PID: L-024
- Gagliardi, Lucy (ICON Technology and Process Consulting) PID: L-025
- Gopalakrishnan, Pradeep (Dassault Systemes) PID: L-026
- Hirsch, Charles (Numeca International) PID: L-027
- Hoarau, Yannick (Strasbourg University) PID: L-028
- Housman, Jeffrey (NASA Ames) PID: L-029
- Imamura, Taro (U Tokyo) PID: L-030
- Jansen, Ken (U Colorado, Boulder) PID: L-031
- Kirby, Andrew (U Wyoming) PID: L-032
- Kiris, Cetin (NASA Ames) PID: L-033
- Laskowski, Gregory (Dassault Systemes) PID: L-034
- Li, Yanbing (Dassault Systemes) PID: L-035
- Lopez, Omar (Universidad de los Andes) PID: L-036
- Luo, Andy (TotalSim) PID: L-037
- Melber-Wilkending, Stefan (DLR) PID: L-038
- Mockett, Charles (Upstream CFD) PID: L-039
- Molina, Eduardo (Stanford University) PID: L-040
- Pleitez, Caesar (Northrop Grumman) PID: L-056
- Probst, Axel (DLR) PID: L-041
- Pylypenko, Anton (Engys) PID: L-042
- Rivola, Vincent (ICON Technology and Process Consulting) PID: L-043
- Shellabarger, Eli (NASA Langley Research Center) PID: L-044
- Spalart, Philippe (Boeing ret) PID: L-045
- Vatsa, Veer (NASA Langley Research Center) PID: L-046
- Viitanen, Ville (VTT Tech Research Center) PID: L-047
- Vos, Jan (CFS Engineering) PID: L-048
- Wang, Qiqi (MIT) PID: L-049
- Wood, Stephen (NASA LaRC) PID: L-050
- Yang, Hong (Bombardier Aviation) PID: L-051
- Yao, Yufeng (U West of England) PID: L-052
- Yasuda, Hidemasa (Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.) PID: L-053
- Yu, Zongfu (Flexcompute) PID: L-049
- Zastawny, Marian (Siemens) PID: L-054
Key Questions
- Do hybrid RANS-LES methods provide improved accuracy over RANS methods to
predict CLmax for the right reason (pre and post CLmax to understand separation process)
- Do hybrid RANS-LES methods provide improved accuracy over RANS methods to
predict Flap Deflection for the right reason (pre and post CLmax to understand separation process)
- What mesh resolution/type is required to achieve this accuracy and what is the sensitivity?
- What time-step and temporal scheme is required to achieve this accuracy and what is the sensitivity?
- What is the Influence of the underlying RANS model for a hybrid RANS-LES method?
- What is the most suitable HRLM shielding function for high-lift aircraft configurations?
- What is the most appropriate HRLM filter-width definition for high-lift aircraft configurations?
- Best-Practices to determine suitable hybrid RANS-LES mesh resolution prior to solution.
- What is the HPC cost compared to steady RANS?
- Best-Practices to achieve alpha sweeps for hybrid RANS-LES (i.e address hysteresis and bifurcation)
- What is the sensitivity to inner-iteration convergence for hybrid RANS-LES simulations
of high-lift aircraft configurations?
- Best-Practices to achieve statistical convergence for Hybrid RANS-LES simulations
(e.g., total time-averaging period and point of time-averaging start)
- What is the sensitivity to the boundary conditions for hybrid RANS-LES of high-lift
aircraft configurations? (e.g., sensitivity to small variations in input boundary conditions
to CLmax)
- What is the sensitivity to the choice of convective flux scheme for the hybrid RANS-LES of
high-lift aircraft configurations?
- Alternative Test Case 3: Three-Element 30P-30N Airfoil is available on
the Test Cases Page.
Return to: TFG List and Associated Documents Top Page
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Recent significant updates:
01/04/2021 - Initial PID assignment
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Responsible NASA Official:
Li Wang
Page Curator:
Li Wang
Last Updated: 01/21/2022