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4th AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop


3rd Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop

Logo 1 for HLPW-4


The following gives the current membership of this Technology Focus Group (TFG). Names are given in alphabetical order, and Participant IDs (PIDs) are assigned for each name. (The PIDs may not be contiguous or in numerical order, as individuals may drop out and teams will use only one PID.) Please contact if you have a correction. If you are part of a team, please choose one member's PID that you will all use, and let us know.

Note that if you are a member of more than one TFG, you will have a different PID for each. When submitting results, you should include your PID as an identifier in all of your data submittal files. If you submit multiple sets of results to one TFG (for example, using different codes, different turbulence models, etc.), then append ".1", ".2", ".3", etc. in order to distinguish between them. E.g., if your PID is L-001, you would use L-001.1, L-001.2, L-001.3, etc. for multiple submission variants.

Each TFG has developed a list of Key Questions (KQs) that it will strive to answer for the purpose of the workshop. These are also listed below. TFG-specific documents (if any) are also provided here.

Hybrid RANS/LES (meshing and CFD)


Return to: TFG List and Associated Documents Top Page

Return to: High Lift Prediction Workshop Home Page


Recent significant updates:
01/04/2021 - Initial PID assignment

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Responsible NASA Official: Li Wang
Page Curator: Li Wang
Last Updated: 01/21/2022