AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop
The following gives the current membership of this Technology Focus Group (TFG).
Names are given in alphabetical order, and Participant IDs (PIDs) are assigned for each name.
(The PIDs may not be contiguous or in numerical order, as individuals may drop out and teams will use only one PID.)
Please contact
if you have a correction.
If you are part of a team, please choose one member's PID that you will all use, and let us know.
Note that if you are a member of more than one TFG, you will have a different PID for each.
When submitting results, you should include your PID as an identifier
in all of your data submittal files.
If you submit multiple sets of results to one TFG (for example, using different
codes, different turbulence models, etc.), then append ".1", ".2", ".3", etc. in
order to distinguish between them.
E.g., if your PID is W-001, you would use W-001.1, W-001.2, W-001.3, etc. for multiple submission variants.
Each TFG has developed a list of Key Questions (KQs) that it will strive to answer for the purpose of the
workshop. These are also listed below.
TFG-specific documents (if any) are also provided here.
Wall-Modeled LES and Lattice-Boltzmann (meshing and CFD)
- CHAIR: Kiris, Cetin (NASA Ames) PID: W-001
- Larsson, Johan (U Maryland) PID: W-002
- Slotnick, Jeffrey (Boeing) PID: W-003
- Taylor, Nigel (MBDA) PID: W-004
- Alonso, Juan (Stanford) PID: W-005
- Amali Uthuman, Mohamed Yousuf (Boeing) PID: W-006
- Anderson, Kyle (NASA LaRC) PID: W-050
- Andersson, Mans (KTH) PID: W-007
- Angelino, Matteo (U Leicester) PID: W-008
- Azevedo, Joao (Inst de Aeronautica e Espaco) PID: W-009
- Balakumar, Ponnampalam (NASA LaRC) PID: W-051
- Batten, Paul (Metacomp Technologies) PID: W-010
- Brionnaud, Ruddy (Dassault Systemes) PID: W-011
- Cary, Andrew (Boeing) PID: W-031
- Chen, Hudong (Dassault Systemes) PID: W-013
- Cheng, Wan (KAUST) PID: W-014
- Cimpoeru, Andrei (DucaTechs) PID: W-015
- Degrigny, Johan (CERFACS) PID: W-016
- Duda, Ben (Dassault Systemes) PID: W-017
- Emory, Michael (Cascade Technologies, Inc.) PID: W-018
- Fernandes, Luis (NASA Ames) PID: W-019
- Ghate, Aditya (NASA Ames) PID: W-020
- Goc, Konrad (Stanford) PID: W-021
- Gomez, Samuel (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) PID: W-022
- Gurram, Harika (U Texas) PID: W-023
- Hayat, Imran (U Pennsylvania) PID: W-024
- Hirsch, Charles (Numeca International) PID: W-025
- Hu, Xiaohan (U Pennsylvania) PID: W-026
- Imamura, Taro (U Tokyo) PID: W-027
- Iyer, Prahladh (National Institute of Aerospace/NASA Langley) PID: W-028
- Jansen, Ken (U Colorado, Boulder) PID: W-029
- Jansson, Johan (KTH / Icarus Digital Math) PID: W-030
- Kambrath, Prasanth (Boeing) PID: W-031
- Kawai, Soshi (Tohoku University) PID: W-049
- Koenig, Benedikt (Dassault Systemes) PID: W-032
- Laskowski, Gregory (Dassault Systemes) PID: W-033
- Lehmkuhl, Oriol (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) PID: W-034
- Lozano-Duran, Adrian (MIT) PID: W-036
- Molina, Eduardo (Stanford) PID: W-037
- Nawani, Shikshit (College of Engineering Roorkee) PID: W-038
- Park, George (U Pennsylvania) PID: W-039
- Pereira, Godwin (Wipro Limited) PID: W-040
- Rapaka, Narsimha (KAUST) PID: W-041
- Samtaney, Ravi (KAUST) PID: W-042
- Sengupta, Kaustav (Boeing) PID: W-031
- Slaughter, James (Imperial College London) PID: W-044
- Thiry, Olivier (Numeca International) PID: W-045
- Vatsa, Veer (NASA Langley Research Center) PID: W-046
- Wang, Z. J. (U Kansas) PID: W-047
- Yao, Yufeng (U West of England) PID: W-048
Key Questions
- How sensitive are the integrated forces and moments (e.g. lift, drag,
pitching moment coefficients) to the computational grid? (a) Will
we be able to show convincing convergence with respect to the grid?
(b) Can we define a credible process for verifying that the results
are sufficiently converged, and what exactly would that process be?
- How do we handle the very thin boundary layer at the leading edge in a
sufficiently accurate yet affordable manner?
- Will some kind of implicit time-stepping be necessary at realistic Reynolds and Mach numbers?
- What are the factors limiting accuracy and/or computational cost,
and what is the estimated gain (in accuracy and/or cost) from improvements to each factor?
- Relevance of tripping used on the wing. Does tripping need to be
explicitly represented, or numerical transition is sufficient?
- With the fuselage mounted on the tunnel wall, how important is it to
characterize the tunnel boundary layer?
- Alternative Test Case 3: Three-Element 30P-30N Airfoil is available on
the Test Cases Page.
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Recent significant updates:
01/04/2021 - Initial PID assignment
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Responsible NASA Official:
Li Wang
Page Curator:
Li Wang
Last Updated: 01/21/2022