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5th AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Logo 1 for HLPW-5 Logo 2 for HLPW-5
Logo 3 for HLPW-5


This page links to downloadable grids (and related information) for HLPW-5. All grids are made publicly available by the originators of the grids. Disclaimer: The grids available for download may or may not be appropriate for your solver, and may or may not be of sufficient density and quality to yield accurate results. You must judge for yourself. Please contact the grid originators if you have any questions about the grids.

Most of the provided grids are "free air" (half-model with symmetry plane in free air). They are given a Mesh Series designation X.a.YY. The X indicates the test case number (1, 2, or 3). The a indicates the grid type (R=fixed-grid RANS, A=ADAPT, H=High-Order, L=HRLES, W=WMLES). The YY is used to order the meshes within a category; these are simply numbers starting at 01 and incrementing up. If any grid series gets superseded by a revision, this will be designated by a (-) in its designation. For example, version 2 would be designated by (2).

In-tunnel grids are indicated with "T" designation at the end.

Note that the mesh sequences have been given somewhat arbitrary labels by their creators regarding their size: sometimes by sequential letter (A, B, C,...), sometimes by increasing number, sometimes by name (e.g., Coarse, Fine), and sometimes by XC,C,M,F. These are all arbitrary designations with little practical meaning, and there is no consistency between different mesh series. Mesh size comparisons should instead be gauged by looking at the README files.

IMPORTANT: Please double-check the BCs in any grid that you download. We have noticed small mistakes/typos/inconsistencies occasionally.

WARNING: Some participants have reported possible issues with CGNS files translated from AFLR3 (in 1.R.05 and 1.R.07). Please make sure that the boundary patches have the correct BCs associated with them!


summary_case1_meshes_for_HLPW5.pdf <- last updated 11/14/2023


TEST CASE 1 (Wing-body Verification):


Return to: Grids Top Page

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Recent significant updates:
08/06/2024 - Posted note regarding 1.R.01 and 1.R.02 grid series
11/14/2023 - Posted 1.A.01 grids
10/24/2023 - Posted levels D and E of 1.R.09 and posted V4 of 1.H.04
10/11/2023 - Posted 1.R.08 and levels B and C of 1.R.09
08/09/2023 - Posted version 3 of 1.H.04 grids
08/07/2023 - Posted version 2 of 1.H.04 grids
07/25/2023 - Posted warning about possible issue with CGNS files translated from AFLR3
06/23/2023 - Replaced 1.L.01(2) A grids
06/21/2023 - Posted 1.R.07
06/20/2023 - Posted Mesh Set 1 of 1.H.05
05/30/2023 - Posted 1.H.04
05/26/2023 - Posted version 2 of 1.L.01 grids
05/25/2023 - Posted version 2 of 1.H.03 Q4 grids
05/24/2023 - Posted version 2 of 1.H.03, and added CGNS versions of 1.R.05
05/15/2023 - Posted 1.R.05 and 1.R.06
05/12/2023 - Posted 1.L.01
05/10/2023 - Posted 1.H.03
05/04/2023 - Posted 1.R.04
04/28/2023 - Posted 1.R.03
04/27/2023 - Posted 1.H.01 and 1.H.02
04/26/2023 - Began posting 1.R.02 meshes (all-tet versions of 1.R.01)
04/19/2023 - Posted 1.W.01 meshes for Case 1 WMLES
03/28/2023 - Posted 17v mesh for Mesh Series 1.R.01

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Responsible NASA Official: Christopher Rumsey
Page Curator: Christopher Rumsey
Last Updated: 08/13/2024