AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop
Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop
Note: the terms "Mesh" and "Grid" are used interchangeably
throughout the HLPW webpages. Both refer to the same thing.
The V11.3 document differs from V11.2 only in that it adds a new explanatory paragraph
(paragraph 3), and a few other minor changes regarding wall y+ for clarity. The
substance of the document is not altered at all.
The High Order Discretization TFG has a supplement
specific to its own work; this can be found on its specific TFG page, located under the
TFG List and Associated Documents Page.
Anyone creating their own meshes:
To download CRM-HL meshes:
- The meshes are constructed from the geometry files provided
on the Geometry Files page.
- If you modify the provided meshes or create your own meshes, they must be
made available to the HLPW committee. If possible,
meshes should be supplied in full-scale inches (the units of the original geometry files).
To download 2D CRM-HL meshes for Case 3 verification study:
Please check periodically for updates, and/or get on the email distribution list by request to
to be notified directly of any updates/changes.
Link to: Geometry Files Page
Link to: Test Cases Page
Return to: High Lift Prediction Workshop Home Page
Recent significant updates:
04/22/2021 - Added new link to 2D CRM-HL meshes for Case 3 verification study
02/10/2021 - Created new page for posting links to grids (rather than going directly to https://hiliftpw-ftp.larc.nasa.gov/HLPW4/CRM-HL_Grids)
12/06/2020 - Posted V11.3 of the Meshing Guidelines (minor edits for clarity)
11/21/2020 - Added link to committee-provided RANS meshess
09/24/2020 - Minor internal referencing issue fixed in v11.2 of the Meshing Guidelines
09/14/2020 - Updated to v11.2 of the Meshing Guidelines
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Responsible NASA Official:
Li Wang
Page Curator:
Li Wang
Last Updated: 01/13/2022