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3rd AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop

Logo 3 for HiLiftPW-3 Logo 1 for HiLiftPW-3 Logo 2 for HiLiftPW-3 Logo 4 for HiLiftPW-3


Note that there are two (2) sets of distinct three-dimensional geometry categories being used with HiLiftPW-3. The first, associated with Test Case 1, is a "clean" (no bracket/fairings) version of the new NASA High Lift Common Research Model (HL-CRM) (this configuration is also being used for the Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop-1). The second, associated with Test Case 2, is the JAXA Standard Model (JSM), which includes all brackets/fairings. Both the HL-CRM and the JSM also each have two variations. The HL-CRM includes both (1) a gapped configuration, and (2) a partially-sealed configuration. The JSM includes both (1) a configuration with no nacelle/pylon, and (2) a configuration with nacelle/pylon.

NASA High Lift Common Research Model (HL-CRM):

A description of the HL-CRM can be found in AIAA Paper 2016-0308 (Lacy & Sclafani).

The following geometry files are being used for grid convergence studies in HiLiftPW-3. All grids are to be constructed using these geometry files. Description of the Test Cases to be posted on the Test Cases page. Five different geometry formats are available. EXCEPT FOR THE PARASOLID FILE, units are in inches.

* Note units of Parasolid file is meters. If using this file, the user is responsible to translate to inches, as all grids for HL-CRM should be supplied in inches.

Geometric Reference Parameters for the NASA HL-CRM:

Many of the above HL-CRM geometry files have been read successfully into several different CAD packages. These include: NX, PTC Creo, Solidworks 2014, ANSYS Workbench 16, CADFix 10, and FreeCAD. It is expected that most grid generation packages should be able to deal with the files. However, in some tests there have been problems noted when importing some of the files with non-native readers. If you experience any issues with one or more of the CAD files, please document your experience and share it with us, or bring it to the workshop. This geometry is being used for a sister-workshop (held concurrently with the HiLiftPW-3) on Geometry and Mesh Generation, and the ease and/or difficulty of working with the geometry files is an important subject that will be covered. The workshop organizers are also interested to know any and all fixes/changes/tweaks that are "required" when working with the geometry to build grids. All grids for HL-CRM should be supplied in inches.

If you are generating your own meshes for the HL-CRM configuration in HiLiftPW-3 instead of using the provided baseline meshes, you should try to follow the gridding guidelines found on the Grids page, and the final grids must be uploaded to the HiLiftPW Committee. Also, MVCE is collecting data about your meshing experience for their AIAA 1st Geometry and Mesh Generation Workshop with a questionnaire; see the Grids page for details.


JAXA Standard Model (JSM):

A description of the JSM can be found in AIAA Paper 2010-0684 (Yokokawa et al.).

The following geometry files are being used for a nacelle installation study in HiLiftPW-3. All grids are to be constructed using these geometry files. Description of the Test Cases to be posted on the Test Cases page. Three different geometry formats are available. Units are in mm.

Differences between Version 1 (2016-09-07) and Version 2 (2016-10-20) JSM Geometry files: An apparent mismatch of surface (trim curve) edges at the lower inboard side trailing edge of all 3 flap fairings has been fixed with a manually created surface. The round surfaces connected to each of these (3 per flap fairing) have also been replaced with a new surface to ensure edge to edge matching. This issue was observed in most software packages.

Note that the JSM geometry files used in HiLiftPW-3 purposefully included minor alterations in the gaps in the following locations (to help with grid generation): (1) between slat side edge and wing main element, (2) at the inboard side edge of the aft flap, (3) at edges of flap track fairings, (4) between the nacelle and the pylon, etc. For details, see the presentation slides by Yokokawa et al.: Intro_JAXA.pdf, also found on the Workshop Presentations page. For consistency and to avoid confusion, we required all workshop participants to use the geometries provided above.

The original geometry files with very narrow gaps in these regions can be found on the page JSM_narrowgapgeometry.html. Now that the workshop is over, these geometries are being made available. We recommend that anyone who makes use of the original narrow-gap geometry files instead of the official workshop geometry files specifically mentions the difference in gap handling.

Geometric Reference Parameters for the JSM:

It is expected that most grid generation packages should be able to deal with the above JSM geometry files. If you experience any issues with one or more of the CAD files, please document your experience and share it with us, or bring it to the workshop. The workshop organizers are also interested to know any and all fixes/changes/tweaks that are "required" when working with the geometry to build grids. All grids for JSM should be supplied in mm.

Note: HiLiftPW participants are asked to run on one of the provided grids if possible. Participants are also welcome to create their own grids, but they should try to follow the gridding guidelines found on the Grids page, and the final grids (and information about them) must be uploaded to the HiLiftPW Committee.


JAXA's 6.5 m x 5.5 m low-speed wind tunnel (JAXA LWT 1) geometry:

As of 4/20/2022, the geometry of the JAXA LWT 1 is publicly available here. This is the tunnel in which the JSM was tested. (See Ito, Y., Murayama, M., Yokokawa, Y., Yamamoto, K., Tanaka, K., and Hirai, T., "Wind Tunnel Installation Effects on Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Standard Model," Journal of Aircraft, DOI: 10.2514/1.C036741.) The CAD is provided in the formats CATIA V5R26, STEP, IGES, and STL:

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Recent significant updates:
04/20/2022 - Added wind tunnel geometry files for JAXA LWT 1
04/29/2020 - Corrected y-location of moment reference center of the NASA HL-CRM
08/28/2018 - Added aspect ratio information
08/03/2017 - Added NX versions of JSM CAD files
07/07/2017 - Added link to unofficial JSM geometry files
01/16/2017 - Updated the GMGW-1 Questionnaire
10/25/2016 - JSM geometry files updated
09/21/2016 - Added geometry files for JSM configurations
07/22/2016 - replaced the STP file for HL-CRM partially-sealed config

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Responsible NASA Official: Li Wang
Page Curator: Li Wang
Last Updated: 04/20/2022